March, 2008

Mar 08

Diary of a Wimpy Kid, by Jeff Kinney

Picked this up at Borders on a whim — fun cartoon/diary style novel from the point of view of a middle schooler. Painfully, um…painful. Fun to read; probably not worth buying since it goes by in about 45 minutes.

Mar 08

RIP, Gary Gygax — piece in NYT

Great writeup of Gary Gygax’s influence on today’s world, since he passed away about 10 days ago. Huge influence on many of us in our 30s now, and on mass culture in a broader sense, not to mention Comic Book Guy (who, I have to note, has an incredibly detailed Wikipedia entry…nice).

Mar 08


Well, that’s it for The Wire — best show on television. Last night’s finale was great, I thought — gave a bunch of closure, a bunch of provocative ideas, and, more than anything else, a sense that it’s a new day, but the same old stuff is going to happen.  It’s been hard to watch the series without despairing about the prevalence of corruption — so many of our institutions are so broken. This last season was probably the weakest of the 5 seasons — but I’ll take bad episodes of The Wire over just about anything else on TV. So many memorable characters, so much wonderful dialog, and so many clear and compelling messages.

I’m impatient to see what David Simon and Ed Burns come with next, not to mention actor/director Clark Johnson, who always seems to be involved with my favorite shows — especially his direction, and the unbelievable cast of other writers who include Dennis Lehand and George Pelecanos. But I’m not optimistic that they’ll be able to do something like this again — not in a Sorkin/Studio 60 sorta way — but in the sense that The Wire seems to be a singular achievement. No doubt.

Mar 08

operator -> activities in an afternoon

another reason that the mozilla community and firefox is so wonderful. microsoft demoed activities in ie8 beta this morning, and by this afternoon, mkaply’s prototyped it in firefox using his operator work. totally, totally great. [obviously based on a great firefox platform and great work on operator earlier last year by mkaply and others]

Mar 08


It’s been a busy day, so I’m a little late to get to this, but I’m sad to note that AllPeers is shutting down. I’m bummed, of course, not just because a Mozilla-related startup is calling it quits, but also because it’s become easy in such a prolific startup era to be jaded about startups and not to notice when they pass. I really applaud what Matt and Cedric and the team have done, and am glad that they took a run at P2P in the browser. I have no doubt that they’ll all land happily and do great with their next thing — but I also have no doubt that it’s a trying time for them. So it’s with great respect for them all that I say congratulations for making the contribution they have (to Mozilla and the whole ecosystem) and that I’m looking forward to what’s next.